Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Test or Not To Test

That is the question. I'm waiting to hear back from Mark to see if I test tomorrow or not. My legs haven't felt 100% since being back on the bike after being sick. I had the team ride on Sunday which I think threw my legs into shock, then yesterday I had a high cadence exercise and this morning was an endurance ride with a couple of intervals thrown in there. This mornings workout wasn't a problem and I cruised through it, but my legs did still seem a little tight. The tight area is on the front of my leg right in between my knee and hip, smack in the middle. I don't remember ever having problems in this area of my leg so it's something new. It didn't hurt or anything, just a little annoying. It drives me crazy to think I get sick one time this winter, take a week off to get better and I don't feel like my legs got anything good out of it. I would of thought they would of felt fresh, recovered and ready to go but it's the exact opposite. Either way fresh legs or not I'm looking forward to my test. I've got a goal and I'm hoping to reach it. It's going to be tough though. It's always harder for me to crank out high watts on my trainer so early in the morning but I'm gonna give it my best shot. We were initially hoping to test outside but then got to thinking that if 75% of my riding comes from inside on the trainer it might be more useful to get the numbers from there. We'll see!

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