Friday, January 30, 2009


What exactly is sleep? According to Websters sleep is:

Sleep - 1) the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored.

The powers of my body have not been restored in a long time. For some reason I haven't been sleeping good. I am either sleeping very lightly and every little noise wakes me up or I wake up at some point in the night and I'm burning up. I don't know what my problem is, it's not that I'm not tired.

On a good note, this morning I woke up feeling pretty refreshed and ready to get started with today's workout. Mark had a 1.5 hour Aerobic Power workout scheduled for me and it felt really good to work. I made it out to the garage right on time, checked the temperature and it was actually already 40.6 degrees in there. That's an improvement over yesterday. I started my movie, The Bourne Supremacy. This week was my Bourne week I guess, I made it through the Bourne Supremacy and the Bourne Ultimatum, each in one morning. It's been a good week of trainer time and so far I'm happy with how I'm handling the new workouts. My legs have been a little tight, but other than that everything is peachy. No pain, no gain.

I decided this morning to skip my usual bowl of oatmeal and just slam a recovery drink. I had made plans to eat breakfast with my dad and by no means wanted to have the added 365 calories in one of my bowls of oatmeal. I'm Managing a project right now at the FAA and my dad is working out there also so we have had the opportunity to meet up a few times and talk over breakfast. It's been really nice. Plus, we found the best darn pancakes in all the land. They are so fluffy. We found them at some little cafeteria/snack bar thing in one of the buildings out there. They are made fresh to order. Throw a little butter on there and a lot of syrup and it's like pancake heaven. I wish I could make my pancakes like that.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Saturday Amie & Addi are having a baby shower in the morning. So, we'll get to see all the new stuff for Emily. Saturday night I get to spend with my hottie wife on date night. Sunday we roll Bicycle Alley Racing style and log some miles.

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