Thursday, January 15, 2009


Okay, the lesson for the day has to do with mittens. If you don't already have children then maybe this will help you in the future.

This morning started out like any other morning. I got up and did my workout and then got ready for work anxiously awaiting Addi to wake up so we could spend some time together. She finally woke up around six, asking for her mommy...I was hoping she'd want her daddy though. Anyway, we made us some hot oatmeal. Oatmeal is the perfect start on these cold mornings. Throw in a little cinnamon and brown sugar and it's good to go. After we ate breakfast I got Addi all dressed in her princess daycare clothes, brushed out teeth and it was just about time to hit the road. That's when the real fun started. So, I put Addi's coat on, then her hat and then I moved on to her mittens. We've never worn mittens before and they were a little tricky. It took us a few times to figure out how to get her thumb in the thumb hole but then when we got that figured out I couldn't get the gloves pulled up far enough because of her coat. Her coat is so fluffy I couldn't get her mittens to pull up over it. I tried smooshing it together and pulling but the mittens would just slide back off. After several attempts to put the mittens on this way it dawned on me, mittens and then the coat. I pulled her coat off, put the mittens on and BAM just like that everything worked out. So for future reference, first put your mittens on, then put on your coat.

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