Monday, January 12, 2009

Our First Team Ride

So, yesterday was our first team ride. I was pretty excited to finally be having our first Bicycle Alley Racing team ride. We were all supposed to meet up somewhere around 44th & Eastern and then head out to Lake Draper. Well, that didn't really happen. I got cut off by a train at I-240 & Eastern and ended up taking the service road around to Bryant and then cutting back to Eastern on 44th. That little detour ended up causing Zach and I to miss each other. By the time we got a hold of each other on the phone, I had just turned around at 29th & Eastern in Del City and was heading back south and Zach was at 12th and Eastern in Moore and was heading back north. Not too big of deal though I guess because at least we were still getting our miles in. We ended up meeting at 89th and Eastern and from there rode down to 104th and headed East to the lake. We still hadn't seen Ryan yet so we stopped for a second to give him a shout. He was at 59th & Eastern and was going to turn around and head towards the lake. Zach and I went ahead and started a lap around the lake and met up with Ryan about 3/4's way around. Mark had a 1 hour hard paceline team effort scheduled for us but that didn't really happen. Zach and I did about 15 minutes of that and I hit the wall. I was toast. I broke just about every rule I have for myself and my week sick and off the bike didn't help at all. I normally start eating at around an hour in if the ride is over two hours, that didn't happen, I didn't eat anything. Throughout the entire ride I only drank half...yes half, of one water bottle. I was totally out of whack and it sucked. At about 2 hours in we all split and went our separate ways home. I went with Ryan, Jarod & Melton and headed south down Westminster until we came to Franklin. Once we hit Franklin I took it west all the way home. That little trip home into the west wind is starting to get old. It seems like it somehow happens every weekend, whether I'm with a group or riding solo. Riding into the wind on my last leg home sucks. It's a good time to get a little more wattage but not when you're hoping to just cruise in.

When I got home it was almost time for Addi to wake up from her nap. That was awesome. That meant that I hadn't missed much and I'm always happy to be back home and see her and Amie especially after a hard ride. Once she woke up, it was time for Princess Addi wearing princess pants to change into Princess Addi & her princess Dress. She is addicted to dresses and shoes. I mean the girl changes shoes like 5 times a day and getting her to wear pants instead of a dress is like pulling teeth. But I guess who can blame her, she looks so cute in her little princess dress. Then I got to thinking, you know what, in less than two months I will have another little girl running around, another possible princess. It blows my mind every time I think about how fast time has passed since the day we found out we were expecting, through all of the high risk pregnancy stuff, into what is now a little more smooth going pretty normal pregnancy. But then while talking to Amie it dawned on me, pretty soon I will have two little girls to load up into my bike trailer and take on trips through the park and to the local t-shirt rides. Addi has made it six miles in there by herself and then she's ready to get back to the house, but with a little side kick back there to keep her company maybe she could make it 12 miles or something. That would be perfect. And if I'm going to be pulling a trailer around I probably would want to get some sort of all aluminum frame bike, I don't really want to be pulling my girls around on my all carbon do I? So, could there possibly be a cross or single speed in my future...we'll have to wait and see.

After yesterdays ride, this wasn't really what I was wanting to wake up to. I mean it's a good thing to see first thing in the morning because it means things are getting back on track, but taking anytime off in makes getting back on hard. It takes a little while to get back in the swing of things of getting up so early. It physically and emotionally takes my body a few days to get back up to par. Physically my body is used to sleeping in until 5 o'clock and I have to re-adjust to getting up a couple hours earlier. Emotionally, well hell, who can focus at 3 a.m. So, this mornings ride took a little extra effort just to complete the workout. Really I wanted to just get off the bike and crawl back in bed. That will all change though in a couple of days. I just have to get my focus back in check and look towards the season and realize my goals and I'll be good to go. Mark and I are hoping that with yesterdays group ride and this mornings high cadence workout we get all the "my legs feel like crap" flushed out and everything loosened up again. Hopefully, I test this week and have some good numbers.

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