Yesterday, despite a 1.5 hour delay, Amie and I finally got in to see our doctor. Our originally scheduled 4 o'clock appointment ended happening at 5:30 and we were the very last appointment. Anyway, Emily is doing great. She is 5 lbs 5 oz and growing as expected. Her HR was up in the Threshold range thanks to some M&M's Amie had eaten. She's also pretty animated. During the last few ultrasounds she has made it a point to stick her tongue out at us and her fingers are constantly in her mouth. Everyone is starting to get a little ancy now because her arrival is getting so close. Saturday marks week 35 and I'm guessing she's here sometime within the next couple weeks. I still need to get some cigars and finish packing my hospital bag.
After yesterdays w/o I had a nice Endurance/Tempo ride this morning. Nothing really special about it, just spinning, spinning, just keep spinning. My movie selection for this morning was "Street Racer." If you haven't seen it, don't waste the $1.08 to rent it. I'm a big fan of the Fast & the Furious and I thought this might be along the same lines. I was wrong. It's kind of like it in that it has some cool looking cars but it's more like the Fast & the Furious on my weekly budget. It's full of no name actors and most of their time is spent racing around a go-cart track. I think the RedBox owes me for this one.
One last thing, how in the hell can a company who is receiving federal bailout money even consider giving and exec a $500,000 bonus? We, the tax payers, are bailing them out of their poor financial situations/decisions and they have the nerve to hand out bonuses like it's pocket change. This is just my way of thinking and maybe it's way off. If you can afford to blow several millions of dollars on bonuses and frivolous spending maybe you could use some of that money to bail yourself out. Let's reward the people who have made poor decisions by taking money out of the pockets of the people who can barely keep their lights on. I don't see why my tax money has to be spent to make sure that Joe "the financial advisor", who sunk his company into millions of dollars of debt, is given a nice fat pat on the back. Crazy!
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