Somehow on Friday I manages to start feeling like I was coming down with a cold. It amazes me, I've worked 80+ hour weeks the last three weeks, taken time off my bike just so I could be rested enough to work and not fall asleep as soon as I get home and manage to stay healthy. But as soon as a long weekend hits I get sick and in four days only manage to get two hours in on the road. Now I'm sick and when I really need to rest I can't because I've already taken too much time off. So, tomorrow it's back on the trainer bright and early.
Tomorrow I also start back tracking every calorie of every piece of food I even think about eating. I stopped doing that when I took my little break off the bike. I know, that was the wrong time to stop watching what I was eating and I should of been watching it more closely. It's kind of a package deal to me though I guess. It's been kind of a rough month or so for me and I guess I just didn't want to bother with it.
Tomorrow morning I hit the trainer, track calories, get a little closer to closing this job out and the whole time I'll be missing my girls. It's always hard for me to go back to work after a long weekend or vacation because I get attached to my girls and look forward to seeing them each morning. Back to the 5:30-8:30 daddy, I guess. That's another topic though.
Time to say our prayers.
Sent from Chad's iPhone
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