Sunday, August 2, 2009

Twilight - The Moment

Yesterday, I set out bright and early for a few hours on the road. It was a perfect morning for a ride. The temperature was cool, nothing more than a slight breeze at times and the sun stayed hidden behind the clouds for most of the ride out. The roads were clear with the first car crossing my path at 6:52...almost an hour of total piece and quiet. I was headed north hoping to cross paths with Jerry & Tommy up around the Sod Loop.

As I wrapped around Draper and hit 89th Street I saw something in the middle of the road. I couldn't quite make out what it was at first. It looked like a dog but even from a distance it seemed too big to be a dog. It walked from one side of the road to the other and then back and then it just stopped a few feet away from the shoulder. As I got closer I realized that it was a dog or wolf or something but it was big. It looked like a Siberian Husky but it's coat was more like a rusted brown color with white on it's underside. I would say it's back was somewhere around the 3' mark. At about 200 meters out it stopped and totally focused all if it's attention on me and it had quite a bit of my attention also. I was gearing up for the sprint of my life expecting him to put up a pretty good chase. Then at about 100 meters out it was kind of like our eyes caught each other and they kind of stayed that way until I rode past. It's coat was damp from the wet grass from the rain the night before. It wasn't matted or dirty but kind of standing on end. It didn't move towards me as I passed only watched motionless. I never had to sprint and didn't even get that typical adrenaline rush when you pass by a chasing dog. That's when it came to me, this wasn't a dog or a wolf, it was Jacob Black. That's right, Jacob Black. You might know Jacob from the second installment of the "Twilight" book series, "New Moon." I won't go into much more detail than that because I don't want to spoil the movie for all you Twilight fans. New Moon is set to open on November 20th. Here's a trailer though if you wanna check it out.

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